NOX AAL Technologies is an innovative company specializing in the development and implementation of solutions within the realm of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL).
AAL encompasses technological systems and services designed to enable older individuals to lead independent lives in their familiar environments while enhancing their quality of life.
The primary product offered by NOX AAL Technologies is a smart door lock specifically tailored to the needs of the caregiving sector.
This smart lock provides emergency responders with barrier-free access during emergencies and offers caregivers convenient interfaces to reduce their reliance on a bunch of keys by transitioning to a remote control or mobile application. These innovations not only save time and costs but also minimize the liability risks associated with key misuse or loss.
At NOX, we stand for quality, innovation, and the pursuit of a better future for older individuals and care facilities. Our products and solutions are based on extensive research and development, as well as close collaboration with experts in the caregiving sector.
We are continuously dedicated to evolving our technologies and forging new partnerships to revolutionize the caregiving industry together. We invite you to join us in our mission and contribute to shaping the future of Ambient Assisted Living.
Der Himmel der Möwen (gewonnen)
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